
We Don’t Need Masks or Any Other Protections


I can’t remember exactly when but recently it dawned on me, wearing a mask is definitely against your constitutional rights and we should stand in solidarity with our fellow Americans against this injustice and violation of our civil rights.  

While coming to this realization I also thought of if there were other unconstitutional mandates have been disguised as public health or for our safety that we have allowed to be thrust upon us in everyday life. 

It wasn’t an easy list, but here are a few things that I believe we all should come together and fight from continuing to ruin our lives and more importantly our personal freedoms. 

Auto/car insurance: first things first, making anyone get any type of insurance is a communist and socialist way of thinking, have you heard of universal healthcare? Well if you haven’t think of it like this. Why do I HAVE to protect this car I’m driving? Like what if I just want to pay for the damages myself? What if I don’t get into accidents?

While not federal law all but two states allow you to drive without car insurance. It’s easy to see how un-American this idea is. No forced government healthcare and no forced state car insurance. Protect our rights, not the car insurers. 

Walking around topless: I don’t know about you but it’s humid as fuck outside where I’m currently residing, and I for one would love to walk outside and in stores without a shirt (illegal in many places around the US). I mean, my body my choice right? But seriously, if you don’t stink why can’t you walk around with no shirt and shoes on? To add insult to injury, women have even more restrictions as to where in public they can let their chest breath. It is not only unconstitutional but it’s pretty sexist too. 

Drunk driving: one of our main points as to why these mask are a bunch of hogwash goes as follow - if you’re wearing a mask why does it matter if I’m wearing a mask or not? And you know what not only do I agree, I want to take this logic even further. With that being said consider this, when you drink and drive you shouldn’t get arrested because if the other drivers were sober than it wouldn’t matter that you’re not, see? But let’s say they’re drunk too, my body my choice and if I want to drink and drive, I mean if they want to drink and drive why not? You think our founding fathers weren’t allowed to have a good moonshine then enjoy a ride on a wagon?

Look, wearing a mask may or may not be unconstitutional but so are a bunch of other things that we all seem to deal with with little to no complaints and even adhere to laws, and side with police when they abuse and sometimes unjustly kill civilians for breaking them. So if you’ve reached this far in the article, thank you and remember one thing, WEAR A FUCKING MASK.